Saturday, April 16, 2011

Transport: Transantiago's Style

Well, in today's blog we're supposed to talk about Santiago's transport system, Transantiago.

I remember when this system started, i think in 2007, and what the news reports showed us was like hell, people hitting each other to catch a bus, endless waits, and people who had to walk a long time to get to the bus stop.

During that time (and before Transantiago) i didn't have to use the public transport, 'cause i lived really close to my school so i got there walking or in my dad's car, the main reason why i didn't use a bus regulary until 2009, that was the year i entered university, so i don't have a really informed opinion about the old system, but the only thing i want to say about it is that the buses were hideous and it was an irregular system.

I like this system and i think that now is a lot better than when it started it, especially in their schedules and the formality, also because of the Bip! system which i like more than having to pay with actual money.

I really don't know what i would do to make it better, maybe more new buses, 'cause there's places where they're still the old, dirty ones, who contaminate so much more than the new ones.

And about the ticket price...i think (at least for me) is awesome! Because i travel across all the town, just for $130 and if a had a car i would spend at least the triple in fuel and other stuff, so for me, it's marvelous and i hope it continues to get better and better :)

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