Tuesday, April 5, 2011

♥ Dominga and Benito ♥

Today session is about our pets!! So, like is expected of us, students of veterinary medicine, we have a lot of pets and love them with all our heart.
At least in my case, i'm a total dog-person, i had lived my whole life with them by my side and i have two lovely, adorable, fluffy, kind and funny couple of labrador dogs. They're blonde and big and fat.

One is Dominga ♥, the oldest one, she's five years old. We got her from a friend of one of my father's work colleague. 
She has a wonderful and funny personality, she's so histerycal, you can hear her cry when she feels you get home, and when she had finally spotted at you, she runs and grabs anything in her way and presented it to you like it's some kind of gift, and she's always hungry, so we have to take care of her foods or she would gain weight like a maniac!

My other dog is Benito ♥, he's four years old. We bought him in a restorant where the owners had a couple of labrador dogs with a new litter of fluffy puppies, and a while ago our previous dog, Simon ♥, had passed  away, so when we saw Benito, all cute and little, my father decided to buy him to be Dominga's new brother.
He is so calm and lovely, he's the hug kind of dog, he likes to lick you in the face, and sometimes he climbs to the dinner chairs when we have finished eating and we're talking and sits there listenig to us, it's like he was another person. He also likes to make a lot of noises you know! my mother likes to sing to him 'cause he starts to answers xD

I just love them so much 'cause they're a part of my family, just like brother and sister to me (except for the extra hair xD) and they fill me with joy :).

For the record, i don't think i need another pet for now, but i would love to have a ferret! They're lovely! >3<

Right now i'm happy with my sweet dogs and hope they live long and prosper :)

1 comment:

  1. Today session is about our pets!! So, like is SP spected of us, students of veterinary medicine, we have a lot of pets and love them with all our heart.
    At least in my case, i'm a total dog-person, i had lived my whole life with them by my side and i have two lovely, adorable, fluffy, kind and funny couple of labrador dogs. They're blonde and big and fat.

    One is Dominga ♥, the oldest one, she's five years old. We got her from a friend of one of my father's work colleague.
    She SVA have a wonderful and funny personality, she's so histerycal, you can hear her cry when she feels you get home, and when she had finally spotted at you, she SVA run and grab anything in her way and presented it to you like it's some kind of gift, and she's always hungry, so we have to take care of her foods or she would gain weight like a maniac!

    My other dog is Benito ♥, he's four years old. We bought him in a restorant where the owners had a couple of labrador dogs with a new litter of fluffy puppies, and a while ago our previous dog, Simon ♥, had passed away, so when we saw Benito, all cute and little, my father decided to buy him to be Dominga's new brother.
    He is so calm and SP lovable, he's the hug kind of dog, he likes to lick you in the face, and sometimes he climbs to the dinner chairs when we have finished eating and we're talking and sits there listenig to us, it's like he was another person. He also likes to make a lot of noises you know! my mother likes to sing to him 'cause he starts to answers xD

    I just love them so much 'cause they're a part of my family, just like brother and sister to me (except for the extra hair xD) and they fill me with joy :).

    For the record, i don't think i need another pet for now, but i would love to have a ferret! They're lovely! >3<

    Right now i'm happy with my sweet dogs and hope they live long and prosper :)

    nice! love Labradors, they have such a nice temperament
