Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My faculty

University of Chile has a lot of faculties, one of them is Veterinary Medicine, this is our faculty and it can be a really lovely place, but like a lot of things, it has its problems.
For example, lack of teachers, we have great teachers yes, but they're not enough for the amount of students that come to this faculty. Another thing is classrooms, they were fixed i think three years ago, when i came into the university and they're really great, but i think it would be awesome if they had more technology like better video projectors and better microphones for the teachers to be heard.
Also i think the casino could be restored, and their food not to be so expensive, 'cause it's not such a great meal for it to cost that much, and the variety of the food, for example, i'm a vegetarian and the only thing i can eat when i don't bring my own food is bread with salads, or the salad alone, 'cause normally lunch would bring meat, pasta with meat, rice with chiken, i would buy if there was more to choose.
I think that if i want to help and get this things improved i would go to talk to the CEV, 'cause they're like the face of the students in front of the authorities.
I think the improvement would be for everyone in the faculty, 'cause classes could be more clear and understandable, and teachers would have less work and more time to do their researches, and concernig the casino issue, i guess all of the students would agree with me that it's no good, and i heard a lot of times how they would like it to be changed.
For now those are my request, nothing to big or impossible, we just need to be united and ask for what is right for us.

1 comment:

  1. University of Chile has a lot of faculties, one of them is Veterinary Medicine, this is our faculty and it can be a really lovely place, but like a lot of things, it has its problems.
    For example, lack of teachers, we have great teachers yes, but they're not enough for the amount of students that SVA come to this faculty. Another thing is classrooms, they were fixed i think three years ago, when i came into the university and they're really great, but i think it would be awesome if they had more technology like better video projectors and better microphones for the teachers to be heard.
    Also i think the casino could be restored, and their food not to be so expensive, 'cause it's not such a great meal for it to cost that much, and the variety of the food, for example, i'm a vegetarian and the only thing i can eat when i don't bring my own food is bread with salads, or the salad alone, 'cause normally lunch would bring meat, pasta with meat, rice with chiken, i would buy if there was more to choose.
    I think that if i want to help and get this things improved i would go to talk to the CEV, 'cause they're like the face of the students in front of the authorities.
    I think the improvement would be for everyone in the faculty, 'cause classes could be more clear and understandable, and teachers would have less work and more time to do their WF researches, and concernig the casino issue, i guess all of the students would agree with me that it's no good, and i heard a lot of times how they would like it to be changed.
    For now those are my request, nothing to big or impossible, we just need to be united and ask for what is right for us.

    I agree with you! there are not many options for vegetarians in here!
