Saturday, June 4, 2011

Talkin' 'bout my generation

Time ago, me and my family were watching a television program, i don't remenber what it was about but it show a lot of images of chilean people in the 80's, and something that draw my mom attention was that there was no fat people and didn't look like they were in a hurry ALL OF THE TIME.

 Chilean society had change a lot since that time. I was born in 1990 and the country was going back to democracy, so a lot of things we're happening here, of course i don't remember a lot about it...i was a baby xD, but when i see my family videos, you can see the difference from todays families, we were so much united in those days, like family really matters. Today you see kids living all the time with their nannys, 'cause their parents spent all of their time doing work.
That's one of the main changes, womens in these days do a lot more than just taking care of the house and children, they also work, a thing that you didn't see too much during the 80's and start to make a shy appearance in the 90's.

Another thing is the lack of importance some kids are giving to their childhood, is like the only thing they want to do is partying, have sex and boys and girls, is really sad to see really young girls, kids! acting like they were 18! common girl! enjoy your 13 years old! play with barbies i don't know, you're never gonna be able to do that again!

Education have had a big change too, today schools have a lot more technology that back in those days. I remember being impressed when my blackboards were changed to whiteboards xD Now kids have Touch-screens, and can work with computers, and do a lot stuffs. But i notice a lack of interest from the kids to their study, and a big loss of respect towards their teachers and others school classmates, there's bullying and there's people suffering there, when school should be one of your happiest times of your life.

In conclusion, chilean society is really different to what it was before, you can say time is going faster, people moves faster, life in general goes faster, and not just for us, for the world in general.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Challenge Accepted

Let's talk about challenges. A challenge is a thing you have to exceed, always trying to be the best. In the Veterinary Medicine career i think there's a few of them. Let me tell you a little about what i think those are.

First of all, there's so many universities teaching Veterinary, and there's so many people who want to learned it, that there is too much competition, you know? and you have less jobs' offers, and less pay, and normally, people who study for being a vet end up working like, for example, teachers or selling food. Other issues are the little technology that we have in the faculty, 'cause we don't have money like, for example, Economy faculty, so normally our Data shows don't work to well, or the microphones and microscopes are in a bad state. This could be solve with a little more support from the government to our career, a career that i think is really important, but people normally don't see it that way.
For me, a personal challenge, and a social matter in fact, is working at slaughter house, i really wouldn't like to be in one of those places, and normally i get asked by my friends and family what a veterinary has to do there. I know is important and i know i had to do it so for me it's a challenge.
Education is another challenge, we live in a world full of different colleges, so some people study in places which reputation is not the best, and they end up being mediocre professionals, a thing that is no good for any of us who study real hard and in a great university.
So my conclusion is that we have to overpass this challenges, and become better professional and human beings, and never give up.

Monday, May 23, 2011


First of all, education is a right, everyone have the right and must have the oportunities to study and develop as a person, but in Chile we're having some troubles lately with this subjetct.

Like most of us know, students in our country are asking for a better education, for an improvement. It's something everyone in the world should have, quality and, as we hope so, free education. Why free? 'Cause as you know, education is EXPENSIVE, not everyone has the chance to pay the fees or the chance to get a scholarship, and this chance is less if you don't get the grades to go to a traditional college, 'cause in the private ones is harder to get one.

So we'd come to this point where people has to get good grades to have a decent future, BUT, the problem with education in Chile comes from the foundations of it. Preschool, "Basic" and "Media", are not really good in most of the public stablishments, they tend to be better if you go to a private school, which is really expensive, and this way you enter into a vicious circle, which is really hard to break.

So, the main problems are the expensive educations, and the poor quality of it, problems i really don't know how to fix apart from asking for them, a thing that is also a right, the right to express your opinions.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let wild animals be wild

An Orca, named Tilly, killed his trainer in the SeaWorld Amusement Park in Florida. Was this an accident? Or it was an attack due to the stress of living his whole life in a tank? The real question is if it is right to keep such large animals captive.

The article tells us the story of Tilly and the attacks in what he's been involved previously, just like other orcas had.
Richard Ellis, a marine conservationist, says that they're intelligent animals, that this was premeditated, but we cannot know what went in Tilly's mind during the attack, but we have his history. He has been in captivity since he was two years old, he probably was separated from his mother and family, which is very traumatic for a social mammals as whales are.
Another factor is probably the confined place in which they live, something that, compared to the ocean is like keeping a man living his entire life in a bathtub.
But we cannot blame the SeaWorld without looking at other places and what we all do to animals, like Zoos, or even worse, Circuses.
They're many countries were Circuses with wild animals are banned, because of the poor living conditions in where they keep their animals, and the abuses they suffer.
Many people defend these places, 'cause they say it "educates" people, this should not be taken seriously, 'cause the only thing they teach is that keeping animals captivated is good. This is non-ethical for us to teach our children.
There are no reasons to keep animals in these places, so until the governments do something, we shouldn't support them and educate people about how bad this is for animals’ rights and life.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My faculty

University of Chile has a lot of faculties, one of them is Veterinary Medicine, this is our faculty and it can be a really lovely place, but like a lot of things, it has its problems.
For example, lack of teachers, we have great teachers yes, but they're not enough for the amount of students that come to this faculty. Another thing is classrooms, they were fixed i think three years ago, when i came into the university and they're really great, but i think it would be awesome if they had more technology like better video projectors and better microphones for the teachers to be heard.
Also i think the casino could be restored, and their food not to be so expensive, 'cause it's not such a great meal for it to cost that much, and the variety of the food, for example, i'm a vegetarian and the only thing i can eat when i don't bring my own food is bread with salads, or the salad alone, 'cause normally lunch would bring meat, pasta with meat, rice with chiken, i would buy if there was more to choose.
I think that if i want to help and get this things improved i would go to talk to the CEV, 'cause they're like the face of the students in front of the authorities.
I think the improvement would be for everyone in the faculty, 'cause classes could be more clear and understandable, and teachers would have less work and more time to do their researches, and concernig the casino issue, i guess all of the students would agree with me that it's no good, and i heard a lot of times how they would like it to be changed.
For now those are my request, nothing to big or impossible, we just need to be united and ask for what is right for us.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dreamy Places

Hello there!

In this world, there's lots of places to visit. I want to tell you something about the place i would love to go and why.

England for me is a place i would love to meet, mainly because i love the music and the culture from that place. I have special reasons why i would like to travel there: one is because i love the music that was and is made there, and the other is 'cause of my school's english teacher who is very dear to me, and she loves England.

Being there, i'd like to go to London and see river Thames, the Big Ben, Picadilly Circus, the London Eye, and so many other places, and i'd probably buy everything i see (a little compulsive) xDD.
Also i would like to see all those haunted castles spread all over England, even when i am a person who doesn't like to be scared to death (i get scared too easy, like TOO easy). I've heard about really creepy and horrible stories about those places and i'm sure i would enjoy it and at the same time hate it.
Also, and this is something very dear to me, i'd love to go to Liverpool, just because i love The Beatles with my soul and life (a little too much). I would visit the places where they were born and probably do The Magical Mystery Tour, and go to The Cavern Club, and again buy tons of stuffs (if i had the money).

I was thinking the other day about going to live or study abroad there, i haven't done researches about Veterinary schools in England, but if there's one and is a good one, i'd love to go and give it a try, i think is a wonderful opportunity to meet new places and gain some experience in life and studies.

Is always a nice experience to meet new and different cultures and while being in England i could practice my english too :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Transport: Transantiago's Style

Well, in today's blog we're supposed to talk about Santiago's transport system, Transantiago.

I remember when this system started, i think in 2007, and what the news reports showed us was like hell, people hitting each other to catch a bus, endless waits, and people who had to walk a long time to get to the bus stop.

During that time (and before Transantiago) i didn't have to use the public transport, 'cause i lived really close to my school so i got there walking or in my dad's car, the main reason why i didn't use a bus regulary until 2009, that was the year i entered university, so i don't have a really informed opinion about the old system, but the only thing i want to say about it is that the buses were hideous and it was an irregular system.

I like this system and i think that now is a lot better than when it started it, especially in their schedules and the formality, also because of the Bip! system which i like more than having to pay with actual money.

I really don't know what i would do to make it better, maybe more new buses, 'cause there's places where they're still the old, dirty ones, who contaminate so much more than the new ones.

And about the ticket price...i think (at least for me) is awesome! Because i travel across all the town, just for $130 and if a had a car i would spend at least the triple in fuel and other stuff, so for me, it's marvelous and i hope it continues to get better and better :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

♥ Dominga and Benito ♥

Today session is about our pets!! So, like is expected of us, students of veterinary medicine, we have a lot of pets and love them with all our heart.
At least in my case, i'm a total dog-person, i had lived my whole life with them by my side and i have two lovely, adorable, fluffy, kind and funny couple of labrador dogs. They're blonde and big and fat.

One is Dominga ♥, the oldest one, she's five years old. We got her from a friend of one of my father's work colleague. 
She has a wonderful and funny personality, she's so histerycal, you can hear her cry when she feels you get home, and when she had finally spotted at you, she runs and grabs anything in her way and presented it to you like it's some kind of gift, and she's always hungry, so we have to take care of her foods or she would gain weight like a maniac!

My other dog is Benito ♥, he's four years old. We bought him in a restorant where the owners had a couple of labrador dogs with a new litter of fluffy puppies, and a while ago our previous dog, Simon ♥, had passed  away, so when we saw Benito, all cute and little, my father decided to buy him to be Dominga's new brother.
He is so calm and lovely, he's the hug kind of dog, he likes to lick you in the face, and sometimes he climbs to the dinner chairs when we have finished eating and we're talking and sits there listenig to us, it's like he was another person. He also likes to make a lot of noises you know! my mother likes to sing to him 'cause he starts to answers xD

I just love them so much 'cause they're a part of my family, just like brother and sister to me (except for the extra hair xD) and they fill me with joy :).

For the record, i don't think i need another pet for now, but i would love to have a ferret! They're lovely! >3<

Right now i'm happy with my sweet dogs and hope they live long and prosper :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Last Year was...

Soooooo....this is my english blog, where i have to tell all of you about how my last year was :)

First! the earthquake! Mother of God! it was horrible, i think i almost died of fear, and i'm not usually afraid of them, but this one was BIG, so i think everybody understands what i felt. Nothing happened to my family so for us it was really easy to recover from the shock and everything.

Then, i had to come back to University, and last year was a little bit different for me, 'cause i have to repeat many of the classes i had failed in first year. I took Chemistry, Maths, Biochemistry, Biology, Anatomy and Biostatistics, and some new courses like Epidemiology, Animal Conduct and Animal Production.

Academically, it was a real good year for me, because i passed all of them, and i learned many things that i missed to learn in first grade, also i had the chance to meet a lot of new people, since i spent most of my days with the students of first grade and not with my real classmates, so i made a couple of really good friends there, which is always a good thing for me :).

But, i have to say this, last year was really stressful and the only thing i wanted to do was to go out on vacations, ones that arrived very LATE due to the earthquake and other stuff. But i have to say that i enjoy every bit of them.
SO that's it, it was a really nice year in general thanks mostly to the people i love and have fun with :)
