Saturday, June 4, 2011

Talkin' 'bout my generation

Time ago, me and my family were watching a television program, i don't remenber what it was about but it show a lot of images of chilean people in the 80's, and something that draw my mom attention was that there was no fat people and didn't look like they were in a hurry ALL OF THE TIME.

 Chilean society had change a lot since that time. I was born in 1990 and the country was going back to democracy, so a lot of things we're happening here, of course i don't remember a lot about it...i was a baby xD, but when i see my family videos, you can see the difference from todays families, we were so much united in those days, like family really matters. Today you see kids living all the time with their nannys, 'cause their parents spent all of their time doing work.
That's one of the main changes, womens in these days do a lot more than just taking care of the house and children, they also work, a thing that you didn't see too much during the 80's and start to make a shy appearance in the 90's.

Another thing is the lack of importance some kids are giving to their childhood, is like the only thing they want to do is partying, have sex and boys and girls, is really sad to see really young girls, kids! acting like they were 18! common girl! enjoy your 13 years old! play with barbies i don't know, you're never gonna be able to do that again!

Education have had a big change too, today schools have a lot more technology that back in those days. I remember being impressed when my blackboards were changed to whiteboards xD Now kids have Touch-screens, and can work with computers, and do a lot stuffs. But i notice a lack of interest from the kids to their study, and a big loss of respect towards their teachers and others school classmates, there's bullying and there's people suffering there, when school should be one of your happiest times of your life.

In conclusion, chilean society is really different to what it was before, you can say time is going faster, people moves faster, life in general goes faster, and not just for us, for the world in general.